10/09/20018 Putting big, scary tariff numbers into context...
It’s important to understand the size of U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports, relative to the size of Chinese GDP growth.
9% Chinese currency depreciation has helped minimize the impact on China, Dan Suzuki explains...
Worried about the economy? Here is a 3-year chart of the 20 leading economic indicators as of Oct 8 2018.

US Weekly Leading Index data by YCharts
June 26, 2018
Richard Bernstein explains why higher inflation is coming...
Forbes Magazine
September 4, 2018 issue
Six questions to ask when choosing a Wealth Management Firm
Our favorite analyst, Richard Bernstien
September 12 2018
Read the latest insights into the stock market and the economy from Richard Bernstein, former head of quant strategy at Merrill Lynch. The best analyst on the street.

Read Ray Dalios new book, " Big Debt Crisis"
September 12, 2018
Ray Dalio is the head of the largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Capital. Read Ray Dalio's new book, "Big Debt Crisis". He is giving it away, free, though the analysis is invaluable.